UnisonTech Consulting

Credit Risk Management

Our Approach

Complexity of credit products such as loans, bonds etc that most banks offer has led to the rise of credit risks. There are many other sources of credit risks which include off the balance sheet items like letter of credit, foreign exchange etc.

To sustain profitability and focus on business we provide our clients with strategic risk management insights as we cover a wide range of consulting solutions which includes measuring risks through estimating probability of default (PD), exposure of default (EAD) and credit VaR models, monitoring and control of the overall risk management, including risk based pricing and collateral management.

Our consultants have the ability of solving our client’s complex business needs. What they do here is they help organizations by generating value through new business opportunities, identify different techniques to develop a strategy design and then finally review a strategy that adds value to your business.

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We ensure to support you throughout as well as ensure that implementation plans are delivered on time. Over here, our clients are our partners, and we do our best to not let them down. Rather, boost credit management strategies across their business portfolios.

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